"Making love and relations beyond settler sexualities" March 22, Uppsala, Kim TallBear lecture18/3/2016 Welcome to Open Lecture with Dr. Kim TallBear in Uppsala, Centre for Gender Research, Tuesday March 22nd - please sign up for IRL participation or livestream to [email protected] Please sign up for participation latest by March 21 to : [email protected]
Please write "TallBear VVPP - IRL participation OR live stream participation" in email subject field. Live stream will hopefully (if Technology approves) be available - given that we have people interested I (May-Britt Öhman) will make the effort to provide it. Check out the youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTEjHZLta9mOAAI2Z-eu0fg where the link will appear at the start of the seminar (if I am successful). Bures boahtin! Buoris boahtem! Buerie båeteme! Welcome! Välkommen!
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